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Starting Price: $969.00
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  • Leak resistance features
  • C-Spring shuttle valve type
  • Available in stainless steel, cast iron, and aluminum
  • Maximum flow rate: 58.1 GPM
  • Maximum discharge head: 230ft
  • Maximum solids handling: 6.5mm
  • Maximum air consumption: 56.5 to 63.5scfm
  • Air EcoRing feature


The Iwaki TC-X253 series is a line of metallic, heavy duty air motor pumps designed with leak resistance, high flow rates, and solids handling capabilities. They feature Looped C air motor technology, as well as an Air EcoRing to help provide lower air consumption. The pumps are available in stainless steel, cast iron, and aluminum body material options. Additionally, these pumps operate with a maximum flow rate of 58.1 GPM and a maximum discharge head of 230ft.