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  • 1200˚F steam temperature limit
  • 850˚F oxidizing atmosphere
  • 345 bar g (5000 psig)
  • 14pH Chemical Resistance


The Chesterton 1622 Emissions Packing is designed to minimize valve emissions and exceeds current emissions requirements for the refinery, petrochemical, and chemical industries. 1622 packing has received both the 2010 National Pollution Prevention Roundtable MVP2 and the 2011 Vaaler Award for emission and pollution  reduction technology

The advanced construction of Chesterton 1622 Packing provides superior emissions and leakage control under harsh process conditions. This construction results in a non-hardening, flexible packing that will not shrink or absorb moisture. The strands that make up the packaging slide easily over one another in response to gland pressure, creating a secure and reliable seal.