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Need help? Call one of our pump experts at 1-802-255-4003. We’re open Mo-Fr 8:30am to 5:00pm ET.
Starting Price: $952.50
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${{ calcCost | formatCurrency }} per {{ calcQuantity }} (${{ unitPrice | formatCurrency }} each) per {{ boxQuantity }} (${{ unitPrice | formatCurrency }} each)
Configured Part No. {{ calcPartNumber }}
{{ calcAvailability }}
Alternate Part Nos. {{pn}}



  • Motor options:
    • 1.3 HP, 115-230V, 1 phase, 6 stages
    • 3 HP, 230V, 1 phase, 3 stages
    • 3 HP, 230-460V, 3 phase, 3 stages
    • 4 HP, 230-460V, 3 phase, 3 stages
  • Single pump flows from 5 GPM to 60 GPM
  • Heads to 250ft (108 PSI of boost)
  • Municipal booster service from 1 to 50 homes
  • Commercial booster service to 750 fixture units
  • Seal:
    • Cartridge type, single mechanical
    • Carbon/ceramic/Buna-N


The WDM Pumps VHSE Horizontal Multistage Booster Pump is composed of stainless steel, and is designed for municipal, commercial, and industrial applications. The pump is optimized for pressure boosting in water systems utilizing variable frequency drives. The motor is composed of Class F insulation, TEFC, premium efficient, and the three phase motors are inverter duty. The pump includes dynamically-balanced, 304 stainless steel impellers, and is close-coupled with a cast iron base.